I am liitle new to ansible so bear with me if my questions are a bit basic.
I have a few group of Remote hosts such as [EPCs] [Clients] and [Testers] I am able to configure them just the way I want them to be.
I need to write a playbook, which when runs, asks the user for the inventory at run time. As an example when a playbook is run the user should be prompted in the following way: "Enter the number of EPCs you want to configure" "Enter the number of clients you want to configure" "Enter the number of testers you want to configure"
What should happen:
Now for instance the user enters 2,5 and 8 respectively. Now the playbook should only address the first 2 nodes in the group [EPCs], the first 5 nodes in group [Clients] and the first 7 nodes in the group [Testers] . I don't want to create a large number of sub-groups, for instance if I have 20 EPCs, then I don't want to define 20 groups for my EPCs, I want somewhat of a dynamic inventory, which should automatically configure the machines according to the user input at run time using the vars_prompt option or something similar to that
Let me post a partial part of my playbook for better understanding of what is to happen:
- hosts: epcs # Now this is the part where I need a lot of flexibility
name: "what is your name?"
quest: "what is your quest?"
gather_facts: no
- name: Check if path exists
stat: path=/home/khan/Desktop/tobefetched/file1.txt
register: st
- name: It exists
debug: msg='Path existence verified!'
when: st.stat.exists
- name: It doesn't exist
debug: msg="Path does not exist"
when: st.stat.exists == false
- name: Copy file2 if it exists
fetch: src=/home/khan/Desktop/tobefetched/file2.txt dest=/home/khan/Desktop/fetched/ flat=yes
when: st.stat.exists
- name: Run remotescript.sh and save the output of script to output.txt on the Desktop
shell: cd /home/imran/Desktop; ./remotescript.sh > output.txt
- name: Find and replace a word in a file placed on the remote node using variables
shell: cd /home/imran/Desktop/tobefetched; sed -i 's/{{name}}/{{quest}}/g' file1.txt
- replace
@gli I tried your solution, I have a group in my inventory named test with two nodes in it. When I enter 0..1 I get:
TASK: [echo sequence] *********************************************************
changed: [vm2] => (item=some_prefix0)
changed: [vm1] => (item=some_prefix0)
changed: [vm1] => (item=some_prefix1)
changed: [vm2] => (item=some_prefix1)
Similarly when I enter 1..2 I get:
TASK: [echo sequence] *********************************************************
changed: [vm2] => (item=some_prefix1)
changed: [vm1] => (item=some_prefix1)
changed: [vm2] => (item=some_prefix2)
changed: [vm1] => (item=some_prefix2)
Likewise when I enter 4..5 (nodes not even present in the inventory, I get:
TASK: [echo sequence] *********************************************************
changed: [vm1] => (item=some_prefix4)
changed: [vm2] => (item=some_prefix4)
changed: [vm1] => (item=some_prefix5)
changed: [vm2] => (item=some_prefix5)
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!
You should use vars_prompt for getting information from user, add_host for updating hosts dynamically and with_sequence for loops:
The output will be:
$ ansible-playbook aaa.yml -i 'localhost,'
Here, it failed as host_0 and host_1 are unreachable, for you it'll work fine.
btw, I used more powerful concept "range of nodes". If you don't need it, it is quite simple to have "start=0" and ask only for "stop" value in the prompt.
I don't think you can define an inventory at run time. One thing you can do is, write a wrapper script over Ansible which will first prompt user for the hosts and then dynamically structure an ansible-playbook command.
I would prefer doing this using python, but you can use any language of your choice.
Note: I've tried running this script only using python2.7