How do I set up a OnClickListener to simply tell me which index button was pressed from an array of buttons. I can change text and color of these buttons using the array. I set them up like this.
TButton[1] = (Button)findViewById(;
TButton[2] = (Button)findViewById(;
TButton[3] = (Button)findViewById(;
up to 36.
You can set Tag value and get the Tag on Click:
The OnClickListener is going to receive the button itself, such as It's not going to give you back your array index, as it knows nothing about how you have references to all the buttons stored in an array.
You could just use the button that is passed into your onClickListener directly, with no extra lookups in your array needed. Such as:
If you are really set on finding the array index of the button that was clicked, then you could do something like:
But that really seems like the most inefficient way of going about this. Perhaps if you gave more information about what you are trying to accomplish in your OnClickListener I could give you more help.