Within my Jenkins Pipeline I need to react on the SonarQube Quality Gate. Is there an easier way to achieve this but looking in the Sonar-Scanner log for the result page (e.g. https://mysonarserver/sonar/api/ce/task?id=xxxx) and parse the JSON Result from there?
I use Jenkins 2.30 and SonarQube 5.3
Thanks in advance
I used ".sonar/report-task.txt" to retrieve the ceTaskUrl - Then I used Pipeline Shared Libraries and wrote my own Pipeline Function to retrieve the quality gate.
Parse "task.analysisId"
Parse quality-gates from http://mySonarQube.com:9001/api/qualitygates/project_status?analysisId="task.analysisId"
Scan first:
then check the quality gate:
Using SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins 2.8.1 the solution is available out of the Box:
Based on Vincent's answer, and using Pipeline utility steps, here's my updated version that worked for me (using sonarscanner report file) :
Please note the use of a Jenkins Credentials (authentication: 'jenkins_scanner') to retrieve the quality gate in Sonar being auhtenticated.