I have a Rails 3 integration test which tests my routes. It contains tests such as:
{ :controller => 'foo', :action => 'show', :category => @category.to_param, :foo => @foo.to_param }
I would also like to test a case where no routes should match. Obviously, testing generation has no meaning in this case, so I just need the inverse of assert_recognizes. I'd like to be able to do something like this:
Any ideas, short of wrapping assert_recognizes in an assert_raises block (which is actually not so terrible, now that I think about it)?
There is a similar way for checking this in Rails 4 by asserting on the UrlGenerationError exception:
Have you tried
method_missing(selector, *args, &block)
? Defined HereBy calling #recognize_path you wont receive a false. Instead you'll get an error, but then you found the clue you were looking for.
I ended up doing this:
Slightly silly, but it gets the job done.
Note that this does not work with Rails 4. See the answer below for a Rails 4 solution.