I'm creating some tests in SoapUI. SOAP request, that i want to test has attachment. When I'm setting it manualy, everything is ok:
But in my case, i need to set attachment dynamically. I'm trying to made it by properties to hold file path, and groovy script to set attachment. but it's not work at all:
// get request
def request = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName( "UploadRoutingCodes" ).testRequest
// clear existing attachments
for( a in request.attachments ) {
request.removeAttachment( a )
// get file to attach
//def fileName = context.expand( '${Source of data#PathToXRC File data name }' )
def fileName = context.expand( '${#TestCase#XRC_file_name}' )
def filePath = context.expand( '${#Project#XRC_files_path}' )
log.info "file: " + filePath + fileName
def file = new File(filePath + fileName )
if ( file == null) {
log.error "bad filename"
// attach and set properties
def attachment = request.attachFile( file, true )
attachment.contentType = "application/octet-stream"
def list = fileName.tokenize("\\");
After run this script, request look like this:
Documentation to SoapUI is not helpful at all. So, my question is: what i'm doing wrong?
I found the answer:
Thaven, thank you for your answer. It helped. I will attach my full groovy script as I spent some time to fully assembled your parts, but anyhow all tributes goes to you.
Please note that:
are the test step properties defined inside the test case. Filename: my_sample_filename.xml and FileNamePath: C:\samples\my_sample_filename.xml accordingly.
And here is my soap request: