I wrote a small loop which added 10,000 documents into the IndexWriter and it took for ever to do it.
Is there another way to index large volumes of documents?
I ask because when this goes live it has to load in 15,000 records.
The other question is how do I prevent having to load in all the records again when the web application is restarted?
Here is the code i used;
for (int t = 0; t < 10000; t++){
doc = new Document();
text = "Value" + t.toString();
doc.Add(new Field("Value", text, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED));
Edit 2
Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();
Directory directory = new RAMDirectory();
IndexWriter iwriter = new IndexWriter(directory, analyzer, true);
then the code to add the documents, then;
Just checking, but you haven't got the debugger attached when you're running it have you?
This severely affects performance when adding documents.
On my machine (Lucene
Built with platform target x86:
No debugger - 5.2 seconds
Debugger attached - 113.8 seconds
Built with platform target x64:
No debugger - 6.0 seconds
Debugger attached - 171.4 seconds
Rough example of saving and loading an index to and from a RAMDirectory:
You should do this way to get the best performance. on my machine i'm indexing 1000 document in 1 second
1) You should reuse (Document, Field) not creating every time you add a document like this
After that you could use threading and break your large collection into smaller ones, and use the above code for each section for example if you have 10,000 document you can create 10 Thread using ThreadPool and feed each section to one thread for indexing
Then you will gain the best performance.