I have tried multiple SDK's but was unable to get an email ID from any of the resources. I have tried FHSTwitterEngine
for this purpose but I didn't get the solution.
FHSTwitterEngine *twitterEngine = [FHSTwitterEngine sharedEngine];
NSString *username = [twitterEngine loggedInUsername]; //self.engine.loggedInUsername;
NSString *key = [twitterEngine accessToken].key;
NSString *secrete = [twitterEngine accessToken].secret;
if (username.length > 0)
NSDictionary *userProfile = [[FHSTwitterEngine sharedEngine] getProfileUsername:username];
NSLog(@"userProfile: %@", userProfile);
After Twitter has updated APIs, Now user can get Email using
class.NOTES: Even if the user grants access to her email address, it is not guaranteed you will get an email address. For example, if someone signed up for Twitter with a phone number instead of an email address, the email field may be empty. When this happens, the completion block will pass an error because there is no email address available.
Twitter Dev Ref
There is NO way you can get email address of a twitter user.
The Twitter API does not provide the user's email address as part of the OAuth token negotiation process nor does it offer other means to obtain it.
Twitter Doc.
In Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.1
It's getting email also.
If you'd like a user's email address, you'll need to ask a user for it within the confines of your own application and service. The Twitter API does not provide the user's email address as part of the OAuth token negotiation process nor does it offer other means to obtain it.
You will have to use Twitter framework. Twitter has provided a beautiful framework for that, you just have to integrate it in your app.
To get user email address, your application should be whitelisted. Here is the link. Go to use this form. You can either send mail to sdk-feedback@twitter.com with some details about your App like Consumer key, App Store link of an App, Link to privacy policy, Metadata, Instructions on how to log into our App etc..They will respond within 2-3 working days.
Here is the story how I got whitelisted by conversation with Twitter support team:
Send mail to
with some details about your App like Consumer key, App Store link of an App, Link to privacy policy, Metadata, Instructions on how to log into our App. Mention in mail that you want to access user email adress inside your App.They will review your App and reply to you withing 2-3 business days.
Once they say that your App is whitelisted, update your App's settings in Twitter Developer portal. Sign in to apps.twitter.com and:
Put your hands on code
Use of Twitter framework:
Get user email address
Get user profile
Hope it helps !!!