I'm sure this is a stupid question, but I can't find a link anywhere and their wiki just says "Copy the AdMob Jar file into that libs directory." but not where to get it.
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There is a much simpler way for obtaining the AdMob SDK - just download it from
Google AdMob Ads SDK Downloads
For Android Studio:
If you want to download the Google Admob library for Android just hit the link you will get it in few seconds:
Google AdMob Ads SDK for Android 6.4.1:
The Google Mobile Ads SDK for Android is now a part of the Google Play services platform.
It is no longer available as a standalone SDK.
All the versions of available jars can be found here.
Latest AdMob Sdk Jar file:-
GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-6.4.1.jar (Click to Download)
Use This Link Android addmob sdk
Download and unzip and you will get the GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-6.4.1.jar file.