Before debugging the late-hour-out-of-bound-recursive-function: is there a command to get subdirs? giveMeSubDirs(downToPath)
// WARNING: RECURSION out of bound or too much data
public HashSet<FileObject> getAllDirs(String path) {
HashSet<FileObject> checkedDirs = new HashSet<FileObject>();
HashSet<FileObject> allDirs = new HashSet<FileObject>();
String startingPath = path;
File fileThing = new File(path);
FileObject fileObject = new FileObject(fileThing);
for (FileObject dir : getDirsInDir(path)) {
while ( !checkedDirs.contains(dir)
&& !(getDirsInDir(dir.getFile().getParent()).size() == 0)) {
// DO NOT CHECK TOP DIRS if any bottom dir UNCHECKED!
while ( uncheckedDirsOnLevel(path, checkedDirs).size() > 0) {
while (getDirsInDir(path).size() == 0
|| (numberOfCheckedDirsOnLevel(path, checkedDirs)==getDirsInDir(path).size())) {
allDirs.add(new FileObject(new File(path)));
checkedDirs.add(new FileObject(new File(path)));
if(traverseDownOneLevel(path) == startingPath )
return allDirs;
//get nearer to the root
path = traverseDownOneLevel(path);
path = giveAnUncheckedDir(path, checkedDirs);
if ( path == "NoUnchecked.") {
checkedDirs.add(new FileObject( (new File(path)).getParentFile() ));
return allDirs;
Summary about the code:
- Go as deep to the directory tree as possible. When there is no dir in a dir, stop, put the dir to the set, traverse up. Do not check dirs in the set.
- Stop and return the set if you reach the starting path.
- Repeat steps 1 and 2.
PREMISE: the directory-structure is finite and with a small data amount.
No, there is no such functionality in the Java standard API. But there is in Apache commons-io; if you don't want to include it as a library, you could also look at the source code.
Using recursion:
You can get all subdirs with the following snippet:
This gets only immediate subdirs, to retrieve all of them recursively you could write:
The sample code above is missing ");" at the end of the statement. The correct code should be:
Another version with no recursion, and alphabetical order. Also uses a Set to avoid loops (a problem in Unix systems with links).