Any buddy have Custom Text View with Rotate, Zoom In, Zoom Out & Move functionality like MutiTouch Image View like this in android? I Want exactly like this screen shots. 1. In that screen draw simple text. 2. In that screen when i zoom this view Text auto wrap. 3. In that screen Move Text on view. 4. In that screen Rotate Text. This all functionality do on TextView touch.
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I used to achieve a rotated textview
but i changed the whole code since the plugin works with images CardView extends ImageView i chnaged to MyCardView extends RelativeLayout then removed all the code related to images and instead of using collage.createCollageResources(listRes);
i created my own function in my own CollageView class
Now in the Activity you can add to the collageview a complete RelativeLayout with it's children not just images
this also will allow dealing with single view or multiple .. TextView or any thing else .. finally this will make the view not just rotated but dragged and zoomed with multi touch gesture.
Yes you can create it see below image and follow Here.
ImageView: To add ImageView
TextView: To add TextView
How ever build this done the awesome job.