I'm building an iPhone app and I'd like to include functionality that allows users to login to twitter and tweet a link to my app. In order to do this, however, the tweet will need to shorten the URL to my app on the App Store. How can I write code to shorten a URL for a tweet?
I've done a search for this and found a tutorial on iCodeBlog, as well as some questions posted on SO, however, they're all either more work than I think is needed or they're using http://api.tr.im, which is no longer available. I'm hoping there's a newer approach to this that is as simple as the iCodeBlog solution.
Thanks for your wisdom!
You simple do a HTTP Request to an Service of your choice. I have choosen l.pr in this example. Many other Services have such an easy API. The magic here is in a method that is a part of NSString. This method is called stringWithContentsOfURL. It will easily allow you to grab the text of any remote source.
As an example:
Thanks to Sandro and woodleader:
Very Simple..
Try this sample.. Its working well for me.
Sample: URL Shortner in ios programatically
Http Post Method via google api: http://www.warewoof.com/goo-gl-url-shortener-in-ios/
Here's a blog post on how to shorten a url using bit.ly
I just google a few minutes because I'm also interested in that topic. And I found this: TinyURL API I think that's the easiest way to implement something like this. I think I'll write a little class for this to use it in further projects. :-D
I use the below code.