Hi I need to post a request to aspx page within dos command line.. How can I do that ?
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I've had some good luck with cURL http://curl.haxx.se/ to replicate sending JSON to a webservice. Perhaps this might help you too.
Another way is to use wget which is a common command line tool (v useful for downloading). On windows you can get it from here http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/wget.htm and its already part of most Linux distros. To use simply do the following;-
and that will return the following
This can be done using
.Create a .vbs file containing:
Then execute using:
telnet on port 80
For example:
then type
Telnet is really for connecting to a remote telnet server. In fact it (telnet server) is not present in Windows 10, only the client. You better use PowerShell. Here is an example accessing ODATA service: http://hodentekhelp.blogspot.com/2014/11/can-you-access-odata-with-powershell.html
Also review this thread: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/035062dd-5052-4abe-bd9a-8714f4184806/there-is-no-telnet-server-in-windows-10-what-is-the-purpose-of-telnet-client?forum=win10itprogeneral