What's the most efficient way to create a moving average or rolling sum in R? How do you do the rolling function along with a "group by"?
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While zoo is great, sometimes there are simpler ways. If you data behaves nicely, and is evenly spaced, the embed() function effectively lets you create multiple lagged version of a time series. If you look inside the VARS package for vector auto-regression, you will see that the package author chooses this route.
For example, to calculate the 3 period rolling average of x, where x = (1 -> 20)^2:
I scratched up a good answer from Achim Zeileis over on the r list. Here's what he said:
Achim went on to say:
All this came from Achim, not from me: http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/05/06/6785.html