I'm implementing pagination, and it needs to be centered. The problem is that the links need to be displayed as block, so they need to be floated. But then, text-align: center;
doesn't work on them. I could achieve it by giving the wrapper div padding of left, but every page will have a different number of pages, so that wouldn't work. Here's my code:
.pagination {
text-align: center;
.pagination a {
display: block;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
float: left;
margin-left: 3px;
background: url(/images/structure/pagination-button.png);
.pagination a.last {
width: 90px;
background: url(/images/structure/pagination-button-last.png);
.pagination a.first {
width: 60px;
background: url(/images/structure/pagination-button-first.png);
<div class='pagination'>
<a class='first' href='#'>First</a>
<a href='#'>1</a>
<a href='#'>2</a>
<a href='#'>3</a>
<a class='last' href='#'>Last</a>
<!-- end: .pagination -->
To get the idea, what I want:
step 1
create two or more div's you want and give them a definite width like 100px for each then float it left or right
step 2
then warp these two div's in another div and give it the width of 200px. to this div apply margin auto. boom it works pretty well. check the above example.
Set your container's
and add:Reference.
Using Flex
Centering floats is easy. Just use the style for container:
change the margin for floating elements:
and leave the rest as it is.
It's the best solution for me to display things like menus or pagination.
cross-browser for any elements (blocks, list-items etc.)
@arnaud576875 Using inline-block elements will work great (cross-browser) in this case as pagination contains just anchors (inline), no list-items or divs:
gaps between inline-block elements - it works the same way as a space between words. It may cause some troubles calculating the width of the container and styling margins. Gaps width isn't constant but it's browser specific (4-5px). To get rid of this gaps I would add to arnaud576875 code (not fully tested):
.pagination{ word-spacing: -1em; }
.pagination a{ word-spacing: .1em; }
it won't work in IE6/7 on block and list-items elements
Just adding
into my css menu of
did the centering trick too