I have the following as my FileUploader:
class FileUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
include CarrierWave::MiniMagick
version :thumb, if: :image? do
# For images, do stuff here
version :preview, if: :pdf? do
# For pdf, do stuff here
def image?(new_file)
new_file.content_type.start_with? 'image'
def pdf?(new_file)
new_file.content_type.start_with? 'application'
I got this from the carrierwave github page. It mostly works, but what If I don't want different versions? I basically just want to do certain processes if it's a pdf, or certain processes if it's an image. I may allow other types of files in the future as well, so it'd be cool if I could have an easy way to do that as well.
For an example, I may want to use an imgoptim if it's an image, and then a pdf optimizing library if it's a pdf, etc.
I tried:
if file.content_type = "application/pdf"
# Do pdf things
elsif file.content_type.start_with? 'image'
# Do image things
but get the error: NameError: (undefined local variable or method
file' for FileUploader:Class`
The exception indicates that you are calling a instance variable at the Class level scope. Add a debugger breakpoint and print out self you will understand what is going on.
Solution to this is to wrap you logic into a instance method, and use this method as default process.
By doing this, you can get rid of versions you don't need, and process whatever you want based on mime types.
Try to use
, e.g.Related: Conditional versions/process with Carrierwave
You should try using like this