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- Associate Ldap user to a group with Java 4 answers
I am trying to add an user into Active Directory.
Having in mind:
- Using SSL
- Certificate ok
- Password works fine
With out group association, the user is correctly created.
When I try to associate the user to a group I get the following error:
javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException: [LDAP: error code 53 - 0000209A: SvcErr: DSID-031A1021, problem 5003 (WILL_NOT_PERFORM), data 0
I have used the DN and NAME group attributes but none worked. My code is:
ctx = getContext();
ctx.createSubcontext(entryDN,entry); // it works fine
Attribute memberOf1 = new BasicAttribute("memberOf","NAME_OF_THE_GROUP");
Attributes atts = new BasicAttributes();
ctx.modifyAttributes(entryDN, LdapContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, atts); // ## it doesn't work
I tried LdapContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE and LdapContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE. Also, I tried to add the group with the other attributes but all situation gave me the same error.
Does anyone have any idea what is going on?
Try to use this, it works for me
memberOf is a constructed attribute. You have to add the user to the group's member property, not add the group to the user's memberOf property.
The solution code is:
Thanks Hall72215.