I have a flat file that has 339276 line of text in it for a size of 62.1 MB. I am attempting to read in all the lines, parse them based on some conditions I have and then insert them into a database.
I originally attempted to use a bufio.Scan() loop and bufio.Text() to get the line but I was running out of buffer space. I switched to using bufio.ReadLine/ReadString/ReadByte (I tried each) and had the same problem with each. I didn't have enough buffer space.
I tried using read and setting the buffer size but as the document says it actually a const that can be made smaller but never bigger that 64*1024 bytes. I then tried to use File.ReadAt where I set the starting postilion and moved it along as I brought in each section to no avail. I have looked at the following examples and explanations (not an exhaustive list):
Read text file into string array (and write) How to Read last lines from a big file with Go every 10 secs reading file line by line in go
How do I read in an entire file (either line by line or the whole thing at once) into a slice so I can then go do things to the lines?
Here is some code that I have tried:
file, err := os.Open(feedFolder + value)
defer file.Close()
// fileInfo, _ := file.Stat()
var linesInFile []string
r := bufio.NewReader(file)
for {
path, err := r.ReadLine("\n") // 0x0A separator = newline
linesInFile = append(linesInFile, path)
if err == io.EOF {
fmt.Printf("End Of File: %s", err)
} else if err != nil {
handleError(err) // if you return error
fmt.Println("Last Line: ", linesInFile[len(linesInFile)-1])
Here is something else I tried:
var fileSize int64 = fileInfo.Size()
fmt.Printf("File Size: %d\t", fileSize)
var bufferSize int64 = 1024 * 60
bytes := make([]byte, bufferSize)
var fullFile []byte
var start int64 = 0
var interationCounter int64 = 1
var currentErr error = nil
for currentErr != io.EOF {
_, currentErr = file.ReadAt(bytes, st)
fullFile = append(fullFile, bytes...)
start = (bufferSize * interationCounter) + 1
fmt.Printf("Err: %s\n", currentErr)
fmt.Printf("fullFile Size: %s\n", len(fullFile))
fmt.Printf("Start: %d", start)
var currentLine []string
for _, value := range fullFile {
if string(value) != "\n" {
currentLine = append(currentLine, string(value))
} else {
singleLine := strings.Join(currentLine, "")
linesInFile = append(linesInFile, singleLine)
currentLine = nil
I am at a loss. Either I don't understand exactly how the buffer works or I don't understand something else. Thanks for reading.
in a loop perfectly works for me on a files with much larger size, so I suppose you have lines exceeded buffer capacity. Thenpath, err :=r.ReadLine("\n") // 0x0A separator = newline
? Looks likefunc (b *bufio.Reader) ReadLine() (line []byte, isPrefix bool, err error)
has return valueisPrefix
specifically for your use case http://golang.org/pkg/bufio/#Reader.ReadLineIt seems to me this variant of
is shorter and faster than suggested peterSOIt's not clear that it's necessary to read in all the lines before parsing them and inserting them into a database. Try to avoid that.
You have a small file: "a flat file that has 339276 line of text in it for a size of 62.1 MB." For example,