Every 5 seconds, I want to call my webservice and get text (not images), then display it in my ImageAdapter. What would be the best way to accomplish this?
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You should call asynctask inside the application main thread. Asynctask can't be called in a background thread.
It depends if you want to use a different thread or not. Do you want the user to be able to interact with the application on the UI Thread while the images are downloading? If so, then I would definitely use an AsyncTask with a small ProgressBar (
)If you don't care about threading then what @inazaruk said.
Edit: the truth is most modern apps that retrieve data from a web service will use an AsyncTask with a discreet little loader in the corner just to let the user know it's updating.
Edit 2: here's an example of using a TimerTask to run something every 5 seconds. The key is the
. There may be better ways to tie all the elements together but this accurately portrays all the pieces.