I have a 3D camera with its current rotation stored as a quaternion, and I'm having trouble rotating it correctly. I want the camera to rotate incrementally around its local axes based on mouse movement each frame (first-person-shooter-style), but the rotation is wrong. It kind of works, but the camera seems to "roll" around its forward axis when it shouldn't.
I update the rotation each frame with this function:
void Camera::rotate(const Quat& q)
// m_rot is the current rotation
m_rot = m_rot * q;
Here's my quaternion multiplication function:
Quat Quat::operator*(const Quat &rhs) const
// quaternion elements in w,x,y,z order
Vector4d res;
res[0] = m_q[0]*rhs.m_q[0] - m_q[1]*rhs.m_q[1] -
m_q[2]*rhs.m_q[2] - m_q[3]*rhs.m_q[3];
res[1] = m_q[0]*rhs.m_q[1] + m_q[1]*rhs.m_q[0] +
m_q[2]*rhs.m_q[3] - m_q[3]*rhs.m_q[2];
res[2] = m_q[0]*rhs.m_q[2] - m_q[1]*rhs.m_q[3] +
m_q[2]*rhs.m_q[0] + m_q[3]*rhs.m_q[1];
res[3] = m_q[0]*rhs.m_q[3] + m_q[1]*rhs.m_q[2] -
m_q[2]*rhs.m_q[1] + m_q[3]*rhs.m_q[0];
return Quat(res);
Am I doing something wrong, or is this some kind of floating-point error thing?
Figured out the problem. For a mouse-controled first-person camera like the one I'm going for, I want to rotate around the local x-axis to look up and down, but the global y-axis for looking side to side.
So this is correct for the x-axis:
But I need to do this for the y-axis:
Because I could not find any working example how to set up a first person camera using DirectXMath and because I spent two days working on my solution I decided to post my solution here. Perhaps there is anyone who is working on the same problem. My solution is not that optimized but the math behind it should be correct.