I'm using LINQ to Entities to display paged results. But I'm having issues with the combination of Skip()
, Take()
and OrderBy()
Everything works fine, except that OrderBy()
is assigned too late. It's executed after result set has been cut down by Skip()
and Take()
So each page of results has items in order. But ordering is done on a page handful of data instead of ordering of the whole set and then limiting those records with Skip()
and Take()
How do I set precedence with these statements?
My example (simplified)
var query = ctx.EntitySet.Where(/* filter */).OrderByDescending(e => e.ChangedDate);
int total = query.Count();
var result = query.Skip(n).Take(x).ToList();
One possible (but a bad) solution
One possible solution would be to apply clustered index to order by column, but this column changes frequently, which would slow database performance on inserts and updates. And I really don't want to do that.
I ran ToTraceString()
on my query where we can actually see when order by is applied to the result set. Unfortunately at the end. :(
-- columns
-- columns
FROM (SELECT -- columns
-- columns
FROM table1 AS Extent1
-- single constant column
FROM table2 AS Extent2
WHERE (Extent1.ID = Extent2.ID) AND (Extent2.userId = :p__linq__4)
) AS Project2
limit 0,10 ) AS Limit1
-- columns
FROM table2 AS Extent3 ) AS Project3 ON Limit1.ID = Project3.ID
-- columns
FROM (SELECT -- columns
-- columns
FROM table1 AS Extent4
-- single constant column
FROM table2 AS Extent5
WHERE (Extent4.ID = Extent5.ID) AND (Extent5.userId = :p__linq__4)
) AS Project6
limit 0,10 ) AS Limit2
INNER JOIN table3 AS Extent6 ON Limit2.ID = Extent6.ID) AS UnionAll1
ORDER BY UnionAll1.ChangedDate DESC, UnionAll1.ID ASC, UnionAll1.C1 ASC
Could you please create a sample illusrating the problem and send it to us (support * devart * com, subject "EF: Skip, Take, OrderBy")?
Hope we will be able to help you.
You can also contact us using our forums or contact form.
One way:
Convert it to a List before skipping. It's not too efficient, mind you...
My workaround solution
I've managed to workaround this problem. Don't get me wrong here. I haven't solved precedence issue as of yet, but I've mitigated it.
What I did?
This is the code I've used until I get an answer from Devart. If they won't be able to overcome this issue I'll have to use this code in the end.
First of all I'm getting ordered IDs of my entities. Getting only IDs is well performant even with larger set of data. MySql query is quite simple and performs really well. In the second part I partition these IDs and use them to get actual entity instances.
Thinking of it, this should perform even better than the way I was doing it at the beginning (as described in my question), because getting total count is much much quicker due to simplified query. The second part is practically very very similar, except that my entities are returned rather by their IDs instead of partitioned using
...Hopefully someone may find this solution helpful.
Assuming from you comment the persisting the values in a List is not acceptable:
There's no way to completely minimize the iterations, as you intended (and as I would have tried too, living in hope). Cutting the iterations down by one would be nice. Is it possible to just get the Count once and cache/session it? Then you could:
Hopefully you can cache the Count somehow, or avoid needing it every time. Even if you can't, this is the best you can do.
I haven't worked directly with Linq to Entities, but it should have a way to hook specific stored procedures into certain locations when needed. (Linq to SQL did.) If so, you could turn this query into a stored procedure, doing exacly what is required, and doing it efficiently.
Are you absolutely certain the ordering is off? What does the SQL look like?
Can you reorder your code as follows and post the output?
Yeah, I see it. Wow, that's a stumper. Might even be an outright bug. I note you're not using SQL Server... what DB are you using? Looks like it might be MySQl.