I'm using Node & Express 4.0 deployed on Heroku, and I'm trying to implement Socket.io with Redis as aa session store. So I have this as my current code:
var app = express();
var server = require('http').createServer(app);
var io = require('socket.io').listen(server);
var RedisStore = io.RedisStore;
if (process.env.REDISTOGO_URL) {
// inside if statement
var rtg = require("url").parse(process.env.REDISTOGO_URL);
var redis = require("redis").createClient(rtg.port, rtg.hostname);
} else {
var redis = require("redis").createClient();
/** Initialize RedisStore for socket.io **/
io.set('store', new RedisStore({
redis : redis
But I get the following error:
14:25:03 web.1 | io.set('store', new RedisStore({
14:25:03 web.1 | ^
14:25:03 web.1 | TypeError: undefined is not a function
I've also seen this way of defining a RedisStore:
var redis = require('socket.io/node_modules/redis');
var RedisStore = require('socket.io/lib/stores/redis');
However, my installed version of socket.io, installed using npm install --save socket.io
, doesn't include stores
in the lib
I saw this on the socket.io page in regards to their 1.0 release:
// 2. Implement the socket.io-redis adapter
var io = require('socket.io')(3000);
var redis = require('socket.io-redis');
io.adapter(redis({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379 }));
But there's no other documentation I could find regarding this new module, and since I'm new to this whole stack, I don't think I could figure it out on my own.
For the ones interested, this is my prototype chat server running on newest socket.io with express, multiple cores and redis as an intermediate. Broadcasted messages are send to all room users no matter if they are connected to a different node and port instance. Just run
and on other machines
The trend among node.js modules is to remove functionality that isn't truly core to the module.
Which is why socket.io 1.0 no longer supports redis out of the box.
So step one is to track down the functionality you need.
Then you need to install the other module
npm install socket.io-redis --save
And finally configure your app.
The nice part is the socket.io-redis adapter accepts redis urls and defaults to localhost:6379 so you (should) be able to simple pass in the
Following code works for me with Heroku Redis, hope this helps.
I had to parse libraries above to get this example, so I figured I would post a full blown example, but I must admit there are a couple of things off, this uses REDISCLOUD, it is on Heroku, it does work. I'll post this elsewhere and maybe put it in a doc too.