I have 20 UIImageView and i want change their image; but I don't want to create 20 IBOutlet, and I want to use tag value to change the image; I set the tag value in interface builder and after? If I want to change image at Imageview number 15? How can I do?
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SWIFT, April 2015:
If you use tags you can identify your tagged view (UIImageView is a subclass of UIView, which has the tag attribute) like this:
So if you call this method on your superview (which all the UIImageViews reside in), you should do it like this:
(Documentation I found using Google).
P.S: if you think it is too much work to add 20 IBOutlets, I recommend you create the UIImageViews programmatically as well. This way you will not need a xib file at all, write a small piece of code and have better maintenance with less effort.