Is there any way to get a handle to the EntityManager for a given entity object? I'm using spring boot 1.2.3 with JPA starter and i'm further explicitly configuring multiple data sources with @configuration
I've checked [resolved]SPRING BOOT access to entityManager and it doesn't seem to answer the question.
EDIT: I added description of how my data sources are defined:
public class DataSources {
public DataSource getPrimaryDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
public DataSource getSecondDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
public DataSource getThirdFinalDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
In my application.yml I have the following sections
name: 'first_datasource',
#other attributes...
name: 'second_datasource',
#other attributes...
name: 'first_datasource',
#other attributes...
So far I've tried both of @Stephane's suggestions but I get NoSuchBeanDefinitionException
Let's say my entity is called Customer
then I tried
public class FooService {
private final EntityManager entityManager;
public FooService(@Qualifier("customerEntityManager") EntityManager entityManager) {
But I also tried
@PersistenceContext(unitName = "customer") // also tried "customers" and "first_datasource"
private EntityManager entityManager;
with no luck.
It depends how you've been configuring this but have you tried to inject the
with a qualifier that corresponds to the factory that created it?Here is a sample project with two data sources. If you want to inject the
for order, just do the following in any Spring bean of the projectFor customer, use the
.Of course you can use the persistent unit name instead, that is
Check the configuration of the project for more details.