I'm basically trying to do this: Changing the Android emulator locale automatically
Everything works up until 'start'. the emulator starts to boot but keeps loading at the shimmering 'ANDROID' screen forever. I must be missing something... How can I restart the emulator from ADB?
Okay, I should be more specific.
I am trying to do this from the command line using adb. I can use adb to setprop and I can stop the emulator. When I try doing 'start' in the adb shell, the emulator does begin to boot, but it never returns to the lock screen.
Some versions of the emulator (android-7) are buggy and just hang at the shimmmera.
Try restarting it with "wipe user data" option (yes, you will have to re-run your app or at least reinstall it).
To start/stop or restart emulator follow these steps:
using telnet on windows machine
o localhost 5554
avd start start
avd start restart
avd stop
In Android Studio go to:
Tools > Android > AVD Manager
I'm pretty sure this will work:
Clear/Wipe the AVD to defaults or create a new one.
Start the AVD/Emulator from the CLI with the following command
change as needed. That way you are not messing with the system image which can cause hangs/crashes. And you can easily set it on boot for a variety of Locales.
I know you asked in your question about how to do it from ADB. But the title lands people here potentially searching about restarting it from the UI.
One option could be (but it depends on which tooling you are using and may not be available for all emulators/environments) is to tap and hold the Power button and then a menu will pop up with a Restart option in it.
you can try
it will clean load the device it worked for me.