im thinking what is the best RESTful way how confirm email and request reseting password. Im only aiming to find correct URI...
confirm email
PUT /users/{userId}/confirmEmail?code=xyz
- does not seem much RESTful because of confirmEmail
PUT /users/{userId}/email?confirmedBy=xyz
- maybe better? dunno
reset password (similar problem)
PUT /users/{userId}/resetPassword --DATA {email:xyz@xyz.xy}
- same thinkin as before
PUT /users/{userId}/password --DATA {state:reseted,resent:xyz@xyz.xy}
- hmmm... again Im not sure
are there any better ways in your mind?:-)
I've recently worked on this, my take was
POST /{base_url}/password
because I was actually creating a new random password and sending it over to the user
PUT /{base_url}/confirmation?token=...
Because I am updating the confirmation that was already sent out when the user registered.