“Debug certificate expired” error in Eclipse Andro

2018-12-31 07:56发布

I am using Eclipse Android plugins to build a project, but I am getting this error in the console window:

[2010-02-03 10:31:14 - androidVNC]Error generating final archive:
Debug certificate expired on 1/30/10 2:35 PM!

How do I fix it?

2楼-- · 2018-12-31 08:56

To fix this problem, simply delete the debug.keystore file.

The default storage location for AVDs is

In ~/.android/ on OS X and Linux.

In C:\Documents and Settings\.android\ on Windows XP

In C:\Users\.android\ on Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Also see this link, which can be helpful.


3楼-- · 2018-12-31 08:58

The Android SDK generates a "debug" signing certificate for you in a keystore called debug.keystore.The Eclipse plug-in uses this certificate to sign each application build that is generated.

Unfortunately a debug certificate is only valid for 365 days. To generate a new one, you must delete the existing debug.keystore file. Its location is platform dependent - you can find it in Preferences -> Android -> Build -> *Default debug keystore.

If you are using Windows, follow the steps below.

DOS: del c:\user\dad.android\debug.keystore

Eclipse: In Project, Clean the project. Close Eclipse. Re-open Eclipse.

Eclipse: Start the Emulator. Remove the Application from the emulator.

If you are using Linux or Mac, follow the steps below.

Manually delete debug.keystore from the .android folder.

You can find the .android folder like this: home/username/.android

Note: the default .android file will be hidden.

So click on the places menu. Under select home folder. Under click on view, under click show hidden files and then the .android folder will be visible.

Delete debug.keystore from the .android folder.

Then clean your project. Now Android will generate a new .android folder file.

4楼-- · 2018-12-31 08:58

In Windows debug.keystore file is localtes at C:\Users\%Username%\.android folder. This file is created when you install your android SDK and is valid only for a year. After this perod you will start getting this error Error getting final archive: Debug certificate expired on xx/xx/xxxx.

To remove this error simply delete the file and run the program again. In my Eclipse I have enabled Project->Build Automatically so it directly worked but in case you have disabled it you will need to clean the project Project->Clean.. select your project and press ok. Then you will need to build it manually. 3rd click on your project and select Build project.(Note - You will only see this option if you have diabled Build Automatically feature in your Projects Menu)

5楼-- · 2018-12-31 09:00

In Windows 7 it is at the path

  • goto this path and remove debug.keystore
  • clean and build your project.
6楼-- · 2018-12-31 09:03

First close the eclipse then

Open CMD by Window Key + R or via Run as Admin

Follows the following step

del "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore"
keytool -genkey -v -keystore "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android -keyalg RSA -validity 30000

after this restart eclipse.

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