I am a newbie to Hadoop / Hive and I have just started reading the docs. There are lots of blogs on installing Hadoop in cluster mode. Also, I know that Hive runs on top of Hadoop. My question is: Hadoop is installed on all the cluster nodes. Should I also install Hive on all the cluster nodes or only on the master node?
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No, it is not something you install on worker nodes. Hive is a Hadoop client. Just run Hive according to the instructions you see at the Hive site.
Don't need to install hive on cluster,client machine require hive to submit jobs. Here's Cloudera hive installation Guide
Hive is basically used for processing structured and semi-structured data in Hadoop. We can also perform Analysis of large datasets which is present in HDFS and also in Amazon S3 filesystem using Hive. In order to query data hive also provides query language known as HiveQL which is similar to SQL. Using Hive one can easily run Ad-hoc queries for the data analysis. Using Hive we don’t need to write complex Map-Reduce jobs, we just need to submit SQL queries. Hive converts these SQL queries into MapReduce jobs.
Finally Hive SQL will get converted to MapReduce jobs and we don't have to submit MapReduce job from all node in a Hadoop cluster, in the same way we don't need Hive to be installed in all node of Hadoop cluster