Before I post this question, I found somehow similar question posted here. But the answer was based on a String. However, I have a different situation here. I am not trying to remove String but another object called AwardYearSource. This class has an int attribute called year. So I want to remove duplicates based on the year. i.e if there is year 2010 mentioned more than once, I want to remove that AwardYearSource object. How can I do that?
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If your AwardYearSource class overrides equals and hashcode methods (Eclipse can generate both), then you can add them to a Set. The Set will not contain any duplicates.
The output is [2000]. Only one item in the set.
Create a HashMap object with int as the key type and your class as the value type. Then iterate over the list and insert each element to the map using:
Then remove all elements from the origianl list and iterate over the map and insert each element to the list.
The simplest way to remove elements based on a field is as follows (preserving order):
Another way would be to override
andequals(Object obj)
for your object. Since it just has one field you want to use to determine equality, this is pretty straightforward. Something like:Then you can just stick all of the objects into a
to remove duplicates:Fairly simply. Although something bugs me about the map versions (not that I doubt they'd work, it just seems like overkill, somehow - although this version isn't necessarily any better in that regard).
Answer is functional, and threadsafe (assuming
is immutable).You could use a map and store your objects with the year as a key:
At the end the map will contain unique values by year, which you can call with the values method: