Below is a cubic interpolation function:
public float Smooth(float start, float end, float amount)
// Clamp to 0-1;
amount = (amount > 1f) ? 1f : amount;
amount = (amount < 0f) ? 0f : amount;
// Cubicly adjust the amount value.
amount = (amount * amount) * (3f - (2f * amount));
return (start + ((end - start) * amount));
This function will cubically interpolate between the start and end value given an amount between 0.0f - 1.0f. If you were to plot this curve, you'd end up with something like this:
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The cubic function here is:
amount = (amount * amount) * (3f - (2f * amount));
How do I adjust this to produce two produce tangents in and out?
To produce curves like this: (Linear start to cubic end)
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As one function
and like this as another: (Cubic start to linear end)
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Anyone got any ideas? Thanks in advance.
you could have a linear interpolation and a cubic interpolation and interpolate between the two interpolation functions.
where t ranges from 0...1
Well, a simple way would be this:
Or programmatically (cubical adjusting):
For the other one, simply leave out the "moving":
Or programmatically (cubical adjusting):
What you want is a Cubic Hermite Spline:
where p0 is the start point, p1 is the end point, m0 is the start tangent, and m1 is the end tangent