In my login form when user clicks on an EditText and presses the enter key, this inserts a new line, therefore increasing the EditText's size. Next moment, it returns to its previous place and prints a dot in the password field (which is the next field).
I want to remove this enter key from the softkeyboard. Is it possible?
add this tag to textView in xml
Inside the tag
you only have to do:this remove the enter key in the keyboard
Inasmuch as
is deprecated I useandroid:maxLines="1"
to avoid the enter in aEditText
. How the name of the method says only N lines is permitted.New update :
Use :
android:singleLine = "true"
And your ENTER key is gone
I am afraid you can't do this. But one thing is you can handle the softkeyboard keyevents like this,
Apart from this, you have to note that providing the attribute
will make your edittext from growing in size when the soft keyborad ENTER is pressed