I have a haskell code to resolve a Fast Fourier Transformation, and i want to apply data parallelism on it. However, every strategy that i use generate too many sparks and most of them are being overflowed.
Does anyone have any idea on how to apply a good data parallelism strategy on the following algorithm:
-- radix 2 Cooley-Tukey FFT
fft::[Complex Float] -> [Complex Float]
fft [a] = [a]
fft as = interleave ls rs
(cs,ds) = bflyS as
ls = fft cs
rs = fft ds
interleave [] bs = bs
interleave (a:as) bs = a : interleave bs as
bflyS :: [Complex Float] -> ([Complex Float], [Complex Float])
bflyS as = (los,rts)
(ls,rs) = halve as
los = zipWith (+) ls rs
ros = zipWith (-) ls rs
rts = zipWith (*) ros [tw (length as) i | i <- [0..(length ros) - 1]]
halve as = splitAt n' as
n' = div (length as + 1) 2
-- twiddle factors
tw :: Int -> Int -> Complex Float
tw n k = cis (-2 * pi * fromIntegral k / fromIntegral n)
The answer from leftaroundabout helped me a lot about understanging on how to apply data parallelism on the code. However, i have studied the par monad and tried to apply task parallelism to it. The problem is that it is running way slower than the original bflyS. I think the code i developed is way to expensive to create threads comparing to the relative work I am doing. Does anyone know how to use the par monad in a better way ?
--New Task Parallelism bflyS
bflySTask :: [Complex Float] -> ([Complex Float], [Complex Float])
bflySTask as = runPar $ do
let (ls, rs) = halve as
let ros = DATA.zipWith (-) ls rs
let aux = DATA.map (tw n) [0..n-1]
fork $ put v1 (DATA.zipWith (+) ls rs)
fork $ put v2 (DATA.zipWith (*) ros aux)
los <- get v1
rts <- get v2
return (los, rts)
n = DATA.length as
First off: there's a lot of optimisation to be done here before I'd start to think about parallelism:
Lists rock, but their non-consecutive memory model means they just can't allow for traversals nearly as fast as what you can achieve with tight arrays such as
, because you inevitably end up with lots of cache misses. Indeed I've seldom seen a list-based algorithm to gain much from parallelisation, because they're bound by memory- rather than CPU performance.Your twiddle factors are computed over and over again, you can obviously gain a lot through memoisation here.
You keep on calling
, but that's an extremely wasteful function (O (n) for something that could be O (1)). Use some container that probably handles length; lists aren't meant to (we like to keep their ability to be infinite).The parallelisation itself will be pretty simple; I'd check on the length as suggested by John L, indeed I'd rather require a pretty large size before sparking a thread, at least something like 256: as the performance probably becomes crucial only at sizes of several thousands, this should sill be enough threads to keep your cores busy.