Where can I run FQL queries online in my web browser?
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In Facebook Developers Graph Explorer Tool, in this format (using a simple example):
Graph Explorer now has a dedicated FQL query window. Press the FQL button and enter your query as:
go to https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer and click the "FQL Query" button.
FQL and Graph API explorers: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer
Just click the FQL option if you want to test FQL. Works wonderfully.
FQL is deprecated for versions v2.1 and higher and no longer available
Here's the Facebook's official page with developer tools. There used to be an FQL console there, but it's no longer available. You can use the tools there to test other FB API though.
Edit: For an actual FQL test console, you can take a look at this. It's not online like you wanted, but it's the next best thing that I could find when I went looking.
query and multiquery -- on either page, scroll down to find the Test Console