There are several generics libraries with numerous overlapping modules in just the Haskell Platform alone (syb
, Data.Typeable
, Data.Data
, GHC.Generics
), but I'm having trouble with a very basic generic programming task.
I want to be able to convert between types of the same shape, i.e. I want a polymorphic, typed conversion function between isomorphic types, essentially what is offered at the end of this paper(PDF) where indexed type families are mentioned.
I'm not concerned with scrapping my boilerplate, but rather with being able to build new libraries around sum and product abstractions.
The question below is in terms of GHC.Generic
which I thought was closest to what I needed, but other solutions are welcome.
The following two types have the same shape
data Pair = Pair Char Int deriving (Generic, Show)
data Pair2 = Pair2 Char Int deriving (Generic, Show)
I want to convert values between them using GHC.Generics. The following fails to typecheck because of all the phantom parameters and other nonsense:
f :: Pair -> Pair2
f = to . from
Ultimately I want a function akin to fromInteger
that has a polymorphic return value for any Generic
(or whatever other class could support this) instance. I guess I'm looking for something like GHC.Generics
type family NormalForm a
class ToGeneric a where
to :: a -> NormalForm a
class FromGeneric b where
from :: NormalForm b -> b
data A = A Char Int deriving Show
data B = B Char Int deriving Show
type instance NormalForm A = (Char,Int)
instance ToGeneric A where
to (A a b) = (a,b)
instance FromGeneric A where
from (a,b) = A a b
type instance NormalForm B = (Char,Int)
instance ToGeneric B where
to (B a b) = (a,b)
instance FromGeneric B where
from (a,b) = B a b
-- the function I'm looking for
coerce :: (ToGeneric a, FromGeneric b, NormalForm a ~ NormalForm b)=> a -> b
coerce = from . to
With the above we can do everything I want:
*Main> (coerce $A 'a' 1) :: B
B 'a' 1
*Main> (coerce $A 'a' 1) :: A
A 'a' 1
EDIT: This is how Nathan Howell's f
function seems to work below, actually.
Is this possible to do with libraries currently in the haskell platform?
If not, could a library be defined that leveraged the existing
mechanism forGeneric
, etc. without resorting to TH?
If "of the same shape" means that datatypes are equal up to constructor names, record selectors and type synonyms then datatype conversion is as simple as traversing representation.
Test case:
A few more instances allow more interesting conversions:
It is possible, and relatively painless. Unlike using
directly, you'll get a build break if the types don't line up. You can probably rely on the equality constraints onf
to provide enough compile time type safety to useunsafeCoerce
and avoid working with theRep
family.Running it yields the expected result: