I am stuck with getting last insert id with Zend framework 2 and I gave up on this...
There are tried combinations:
Value is inserting to table, but every line (except first, which gives int "1") returns null. Please don't tell me, that such a big framework does not give possibility to get last insert id value!?
This does not work with oracle oci8 because it is not implemented yet. See here: https://github.com/zendframework/zf2/blob/master/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Driver/Oci8/Connection.php#L343
which extendsAbstractTableGateway
I get last id by$inserted_id = $this->lastInsertValue;
as an example:
There is another possibility to add FeatureSet to TableGateway.
In Module.php you can define (table User for example)
But there is a bug in SequenceFeature. Everything is ok, when you use public schema. When you have to use other schema you should use Zend\Db\Sql\TableIdentifier;
In this case Module.php should be:
In this case will be an error with Postgresql query SELECT NEXTVAL, because Feature\SequenceFeature will use public schema instead of defined in first argument to prepare query
SELECT NEXTVAL('user_id_seq')
In this case sql query should be
SELECT NEXTVAL('someSchema'.'user_id_seq')
I know this was a while back, but after spending a ton of time on this particular problem I wanted to post the solution for future Googlers experiencing the same problem.
The issue is the Pgsql driver requires a name of the sequence to return the last id like this:
This works in 2.3.1. There was a bug in 2.2.2 (and possibly later) where name was not a param of the getLastGeneratedValue in the driver, so you'd have to call the connection directly.
So that's what I found by looking through the code. Best solution is to make sure you have ZF2 updated, and use
Ok, I know the question is few month old, though it may be useful for those who are searching for a solution to this problem to get the last insert values the best way is to get the value from the adapter interface
This worked well for me for mysql database
In postgres you need setup SequenceFeature:
should work.