I have a camera on my network which I am trying to connect to with suds but suds doesn't send all the information needed. I need to put extra soap headers not defined in the WSDL file so the camera can understand the message. All the headers are contained in a SOAP envelope and then the suds command should be in the body of the message.
I have checked the suds website and it says to pass in the headers like so: (This passes in the element as a header but I have an envelope so I'm not sure how to input this)
from suds.sax.element import Element
client = client(url)
ssnns = ('ssn', 'http://namespaces/sessionid')
ssn = Element('SessionID', ns=ssnns).setText('123')
result = client.service.addPerson(person)
Now, I am not sure how I would implement this. Say for example, I have the below header:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:SOAP
<wsa:MessageID SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true">urn:uuid:43268c01-f09c6</wsa:MessageID>
Using this or a similar example does anyone know how I would pass a valid SOAP message to the targeted service?
I have worked out how to enter in new headers and namespaces in suds. As stated above you create an Element and pass it in as a soapheader as so:
But if you would like to add a namespace I have found adding a prefix seem's to do the trick. So when you create one of the elements you add
. I'm not sure if this was the way it was intended to be done but it work's.The
p = 'SOAP-ENC'
can be any prefixeg. wsa
and theu = http://address
is the address of the namespace.A complete script that would run could be:
This moves the camera. To change the type of soap-envelope check my next question.
You can add logging into this script whci allow's you to check what xml command you have sent which is handy:
The location can be put into the script as an option if the location is not in the wsdl file.