I get the following error while the gradle sync/build after switching the compileSdkVersion to 25 and using the latest android.support library versions.
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:25.0.0'
compile 'com.android.support:design:25.0.0'
compile 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:25.0.0'
No resource found that matches the given name (at 'android:textColorHint' with value '@color/hint_foreground_material_light').
Any idea?
EDIT: I think thats because of Adobe Creative SDK... Not sure. Others are running fine with SDK 25.
Related question: error while using the support library with adobe creative SDK for android
We should not wait for a solution... Maybe there is a newer version as I am using ('com.adobe.creativesdk:image:4.6.3')
EDIT2: I found out that this is coming from "fengdai alertdialog" which is a Adobe SDK dependency. But DEPRECATED! I asked Adobe for some support.
Solution: Add these lines to your colors.xml:
That is a workaround until adobe fixes the problem.
Works with v10.0.0 and should also work with all others.
Answer from ADOBE:
Same with me, now i'm just downgrading it into 24.2.1 version and the error is gone. I'm pretty sure that this is one of support library bugs.