I'm beginer and I start learn and code with laravel... To enable user login nad registration I write this (as I see on one tutorilal):
at routes.php
'password'=>'Auth\PasswordController', ]);
and now when I type: http://localhost:8888/auth/login I get error:
InvalidArgumentException in AuthManager.php line 71: Auth guard [] is not defined.
Also in view folder there is no auth directory and login.blade.php files and other.
In case you edited your
, e.g. to add another guard and your config is cached, your guards may not be reloaded. If you experience this problem, clearing the config will fix it.$php artisan config:clear
or$php artisan config:cache
I'm using laravel 5.5
This could be a problem in your config/auth.php file, where the 'defaults' array is setting a non-existing guard on Laravel 5.2.
program directory App/config/Auth.php
Make sure that your config/auth.php is updated if you've upgraded from 5.1.x to 5.2.