Can we use the ">" or "<" symbols(Greater than and Less than ) in media queries? for example I would like to hide a dive for all monitors less than 768px. can I say some thing like this:
@media screen and (min-width<=768px) {}
Can we use the ">" or "<" symbols(Greater than and Less than ) in media queries? for example I would like to hide a dive for all monitors less than 768px. can I say some thing like this:
@media screen and (min-width<=768px) {}
Media queries don't make use of those symbols. Instead, they use the
prefixes. This is covered in the spec:So, instead of something like
(width <= 768px)
, you would say(max-width: 768px)
instead:Check out the Sass lib include-media, which (despite being for Sass) explains how calls like
@include media('<=768px')
maps to plain CSS@media
queries. In particular, see this section of the docs.TLDR, what you learn from there is:
To do the equivalent of something like
(less than or equal to 768) in CSS, you need to writeand to do the equivalent of
(less than 768) in CSS, you need to writeNotice how I subtracted
, so that the max width is less than 768 (because we wanted to emulate the<
less-than behavior which doesn't actually exist in CSS).So to emulate something like
media('>768px', '<=1024')
in CSS, we would write:and
media('>=768px', '<1024')
would be