I'm doing some application development (CRM solution) which require generating diagrammatically an RDLC file at runtime. How do I do that?
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You should consult this link it might be helpful
How to dynamically add new columns to report created with Reporting Services?
RDLC Report is a XML file and by editing it in XMLDocument you can modify locate /Report/Body/ReportItems/Table node and do the following inside it
ALL you have to do is change the the data source by coding. like
Thanks for the response from all who answered this question, but I found one good article to generate dynamic reports: Dynamic Reports with Reporting Services.
You can use 'Generate RDLC dynamically - Table' example from got reportviewer? page
Can I confirm that you are trying to build a dynamic reporting solution based on RDLC, or do you just need to mine the data stored in the CRM and show it in a RDLC. I guess you've exhausted other tools such as Proclarity and Excel for users to mine data.
Assuming the former (i.e. an RDLC designer), then RDLC is just an XML file, so I guess you could create simple, standard RDLC's containing datasources, field definitions, cells etc by applying an XSLT after first exporting some kind of xml 'model' from your designer?
Sounds like a lot of work ;)