How do I change the color of the selected code in Vim?
There are three selection modes, Visual Line
mode or Visual Block
mode, and selecting with the mouse).
hi CursorLine guibg=#DDDDDD gui=none
hi CursorColumn guibg=#EEEEEE gui=none
hi MatchParen guifg=#f6f3e8 guibg=#857b6f gui=none
hi Pmenu guifg=#f6f3e8 guibg=#DDDDDD gui=none
hi PmenuSel guifg=#000000 guibg=#DDDDDD gui=none
" General colors
hi Cursor guifg=NONE guibg=#656565 gui=none
hi Normal guifg=#000000 guibg=#FFFFFF gui=none
hi NonText guifg=#808080 guibg=#FFFFFF gui=none
hi LineNr guifg=#857b6f guibg=#FFFFFF gui=none
hi StatusLine guifg=#000000 guibg=#FFFFFF gui=none
hi StatusLineNC guifg=#857b6f guibg=#FFFFFF gui=none
hi VertSplit guifg=#444444 guibg=#FFFFFF gui=none
hi Folded guibg=#AAAAAA guifg=#FFFFFF gui=none
hi Title guifg=#000000 guibg=NONE gui=none
hi Visual guifg=#000000 guibg=#FFFFFF gui=none
hi SpecialKey guifg=#808080 guibg=#FFFFFF gui=none
How do I know which line it is?
mu color scheme is molokai, and I found that this configuration is the best for me:
check out my vimrc @
Selection color for gvim is set by the following line:
You can use named color values instead of the #nnnnnn RGB codes. Your existing line is set for black foreground and white background, just as you observed.
For example, if you want a light blue background with white foreground:
Be sure the color file you are editing is in the vim7x/colors directory so both vim and gvim can find it. Its exact location can vary a bit depending on your OS platform.
I just change my color scheme file (
), and set'Visual'
to the same value as'CursorLine'
.I like the style of
as it is transparent and keep the selected elements's syntax highlight color.Replace the line that contains
exe "hi! Visual"
with the following line:or:
Like so:
You should look at this nice collection of Vim schemes.
Maybe one of them suits your needs.
How to set the color of the selected code in vi?
I'm using VIM 7.3 on Ubuntu and this does it for me within the editor:
I'm using a colorscheme defined in the /home/youruser/.vim/colors/mycolorscheme.vim file. I set the command there and the changes take effect when vim starts.