I know that I can make the ActionBar overlay using requestFeature(Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY)
and can toggle/show the status bar in my screen (by switching between FLAG_FULLSCREEN
This works great. However, I don't want my layout moving when I toggle the status bar.
I know that I can make the status bar "overlay" (albeit not transparently) the content using:
This works also great, except for the (expected) consequence that, when using an ActionBar, the ActionBar gets half cut off - half of it is under the status bar basically.
So I am wondering, is there a way to "move the ActionBar down" by the status bar's height in this case?
I know that in worse case, I can do this with a custom view that lives within the layout, but I rather not do this (want to benefit from the ActionBar).
Put this method in onCreate() method activity:
refer: link
so apparently, you can do this in Jellybean. google includes two examples in the api docs. here is a link: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.html#setSystemUiVisibility%28int%29
summary: use
on a view to toggle visibility (on jellybean+).Why you dont make it in the Manifest
than you have no statusbar and more space for the Actionbar??
It's not perfect, but this is how I have achieved what you want:
In onCreate:
I also have a style on the activity with the following:
Your activity will shift down when the status bar shows, but I don't think it's too noticeable.