This is driving me crazy. I'm working on a Ionic app (Cordova, Angular etc). I have a contact us link which contains a mailto: href
I've read countless posts on SO that say you have to remove
<access origin="*"/>
from the config.xml in the project root and replace it with:
<access origin="mailto:*" launch-external="true" />
Which I've done. When I run ionic build
it gets added to the config.xml in platforms/android/res/xml
. But no matter what I do the link doesn't open the mail app on any Android simulator (even when email is configured in the simulator).
Sadly I don't have a device to test on - so is this just a emulator thing or am I missing something?
I just solved this thanks to the responses & articles above. I'm not sure what has or hasn't changed since the above postings, but for the reference of others; I now have
http://, https://, tel:, & mailto:
working with only the inappbrowser plugin installed and no manual edits to config.xml needed. I did everything mentioned above & it still wasn't working, so I started fiddling and found that I
call requires the second parameter of"_system"
to work correctly (it tried to use the browser and "navigate" tohttp://mailto:xxx...
without the"_system"
flag).However, for curiousity's sake, I uninstalled the whitelist plugin and removed the manual edits in config.xml and it still works.
-I don't remember all the variations I tried, but onclick couldn't access the Ionic/Angular/Cordova scope(s), so I stuck with ng-click.
-I did not / have not tried using href="..." with any of the options. (If I remember, I'll test them and update this to reflec my results.)
So, with only the cordova-plugin-inappbrowser installed and no config.xml edits, here are my working / tested solutions:
Tested 9/20/2016 Using:
HTC One M8, android 6 ,cordova v6.3.1, cordova-plugin-inappbrowser v1.5.0, ionic v2.0.0, jdk1.8.0_101, android SDKs 21, 23, & 24 installed
what if you replace "true" with "yes"... I use this in my app and it works.
Ran into this today and noticed something that affected mailto, but not tel, links:
In addition to adding the intent to the cordova config as described by dave's answer
<allow-intent href="mailto:*" />
I also had to allow mailto links in the csp header of my page
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' mailto:*">
Didn't see any documentation around this behaviour of CSP headers.
You must install the cordova plugin whitelist:
or if you want to save the reference to your config.xml file:
and that you have to add the intent to your config.xml file:
You can find more info here.
Try this:
Altering Cordova's WhiteListPlugin in
did not work for me --<access >,
`. I tried many combinations, including those above. Doesn't mean these won't work necessarily, just for my setup it doesn't. (Building for Browser, Android, and iOS)However, using the Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin worked:
As mentioned above, use the inAppBrowser plugin and set the target to _system.
This by passes the issues I was seeing in iOS with
unsupported url
, and launches the native systems web browser (i.e., Does not rely on WhiteListPlugin to allow the URL call).Hope this helps.
Cordova version 6.3.1.