Using JavaScript, is there a way to update window.location.hash without scrolling the web page?
I have clickable title elements that toggle the visibility of a div directly beneath them. I want the /foo#bar in the history when clicking titles but don't want the page scrolling about. So when navigating away from /foo#bar I'll be able to use the back button and have the div whose ID is in window.location.hash be visible upon return.
Is this behavior possible?
Another thing you could try is changing the id of the element the hash points to temporarily. Worked for me!
Wanted to add a comment to Catherines answer but I don't have the rep yet -
Great solution however it wasn't working for me in Chrome as $('html').scrollTop() always returns 0 - a minor edit resolves the issue:
This behavior is very much possible. You should look into some of the libraries that have been developed to give you this functionality.
Really Simple History: SWFAddress:
To change the hash without having the page reload/scroll, you can now simply use html5
.It's supported by all the major browsers:
Also note that the last url parameter we're using here, it can be any url, so it's not limited to hashes.
As easy as it get
Bas on the answer from Sunny I made this function that also avoids undefined and nulls: