I have three questions about routing in Backbone.js / Marionette.js :
- 1) How can I get a list of all the routes my application's routers have registered ?
For example for Express.js (in Node.js) it would be app.routes
I'm trying to do the same with Backbone.js / Marionette.js but couldn't find any property or method that did this.
- 2) I want to clean-up my URLs and remove the hashtag "#" in front of them, I know that they trigger the Routers so how can I manage to do this ?
I found the following script that prototypes the Backbone router, but it's more of a hack than a stable solution : Simple backbone routing without hash URLs
- 3) Is is possible to have sub-routers in Backbone.js / Marionette.js ?
What I mean by sub-router is a router which only handles a part of a url, e.g :
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'articles' : 'MyArticleRouter'
var MyArticleRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'science' : 'someMethod',
'literrature' : 'someOtherMethod'
This would categorise my URLs a little bit more by letting me define the main routes in AppRouter and all the subroutes (part after the second slash "/") in category-specific sub-routers.
So for the following URL : "hostname/articles/science", the routing process would look something like this :
- 1) pass "/articles/science" to AppRouter
- 2) AppRouter splits the URI and takes the "/articles" part
- 3) AppRouter finds the registered "/articles" route
- 4) AppRouter recognises that MyArticleRouter is bound to that URI element
- 5) AppRouter forwards the routing to that router and only passes the "/science" element as a route
- 6) MyArticleRouter routes "/science" to the someMethod() and runs it
Thank you in advance !
Answer for #1:
All the routes are registered in
.Answer for #2:
You can add a handler to every link in your site:
Of course make sure you use pushState:
That last snippet must be run after you have initialized all your routers.
Answer for #3:
This may work a little to split your routes: