I am trying to create a bash script to automate the creation of in-app purchase pkg files.
I am at a point that the script creates successfully all in-app purchase xcodeproj projects and then archive them using this command
xcodebuild -scheme $nameOfProject archive
$nameOfProject is a variable that holds, inside a loop, the name of the xcodeproj file correspondent to the in-app purchase.
After doing this, I have to open the archive part of Xcode and manually export all archives to create the pkg files that I need to have to upload to iTC.
Is there any command that I can use to do this automatically from terminal?
Another thing that would provide the same solution would be: how to convert a xcarchive file into a pkg file?
After some googling and some testing with the "In-app purchase content" Project, I think that what you need to use is the
command line tool. Since I am only iOS developer myself, I have no experience with creating installers but I am pretty sure the "pkg" file for the in-app content is created using this command line tools.To find the correct parameters you can refer to https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/ToolsLanguages/Conceptual/OSXWorkflowGuide/DistributingApplications/DistributingApplications.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011201-CH5-SW1
To test what XCode does, I have created a simple project
And I archived it:
Then I created a simple program, let's call it
, the code isLet's have an example - for bash command:
will containNow, let's replace
with this programand then hit "Distribute" in XCode. and export the package.
now containsNow we see exactly what XCode did.
The second file is the resulting file, I am not sure whether there is something more done with the file or not, but after expanding it with
, the contents seem to be the same as the ones in thepkg
created from XCode.The first file is a directory which seems to be taken directly from the
file. Let's see its contentsEdit 2:
In summary, the
script should be something along the lines of: