I'm trying to pass some data from directive into a function addTrackFromPicker
in my controller.
$scope.addTrackFromPicker = function (message) {
console.log("addTrackFromPicker", message);
Here what I have in my directive
dir.directive('youtubeList', function($http, $timeout, YT_event){
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
search: '=',
dial: '&'
templateUrl: 'youtube-list.html',
Here I want to call controllers function from my template and pass it item.id.$t
as argument:
<div class="media list-group-item" ng-repeat="item in entries">
<a type="button" ng-click="dial(item.id.$t)">
<img ng-src="{{item.media$group.media$thumbnail[0].url}}">
But I don't know how to pass it into my tag
<youtube-list search="search" dial="addTrackFromPicker(???)"></youtube-list>
I also tried $parent.addTrackFromPicker
but it didnt work
In order to pass in your data from your directive, you will need to do it like this:
Then, in your template:
You can use an "argument name" other than
if something else makes more sense for your situation. See Angular's documentation onscope
for detailed info on how this works.Isolated Scope: pass some values from the parent scope to the directives
There’re 3 types of prefixes AngularJS provides
All these prefixes receives data from the attributes of the directive element.
When the directive encounters a prefix in the scope property, it will look for an attribute ( with same property name ) on directive’s html element
I've followed this link