I have my Laravel project all working on my localhost. I deployed it to EC2, but nothing comes up. All I see in the dev console is internal error (500).
What am I missing? What do I need to change before deploying to AWS? Here is the URL: http://ec2-52-88-99-75.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
Here is the httpd.conf file: http://collabedit.com/sdcxm
Laravel "Storage" folder and the "bootstrap/cache" folder needs access from both the command line user (the one that runs composer update etc) and the default web server user (www-data) in case you are using ubuntu on your EC2 instance.
The following three commands will ensure that both of them have the rights to do that. Run them at the root of your project
This should start displaying you specific errors that you can debug. Also make sure that you have the debug option set as true in app.php
Also make sure you have a default .env file that specifies the environment at the project root.
Also if you are using sessions etc make sure you have a generated a key by using this command and doesn't have config/app.php set as
'key' => env('APP_KEY', 'SomeRandomString'),
This worked for me: