I'm using a static variable inside an interrupt handler, making the interrupt handler non-reentrant.
- Is it OK to have a non-reentrant interrupt handler?
- When a hardware interrupt is raised, does the event go in some sort of a queue and wait for the current interrupt handler call to finish or does the interrupt handler get called right away?
PS. I'm using Linux. The programming language I'm using is C if it makes a difference.
Can't speak for all interrupt handlers, but on a dozen platforms I've written a hardware Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) for, the mechanics were such to universally prevent re-entrant behavior.
ISRs for software interrupts, on the other hand, of the 2 I've written, were purposely made to detect and handle re-entrant activity.
As mentioned elsewhere, this is likely OS/platform dependent.
The short answer is that Interrupt Service Routines are not inherently required to be reentrant. Reentrancy is only required in the case of nested interrupts. If the Operating System you use does not support nested interrupts, then you do not need to worry about reentrancy at all. If it does, you may have control over resetting the interrupt you are servicing so that you should never get a nested interrupt.
EDIT: Now that I know you're using Linux, you might find this link helpful: Can an interrupt handler be preempted by the same interrupt handler?
Essentially the answer to your question is that Linux masks an interrupt when it is asserted so that it won't preempt itself unless a specific flag is passed when registering the ISR.
Here's a relevant quote: