I have recyclerview with edit text. Each row has a edit text. I am entering values in the edit text manually and after i enter values, I want to get those values in each and every row. I want to get those values to the main activity. There may be 10 to 20 rows in the recyclerview. I want to get all values in those edit texts.
This is my Adapter
public class SelectItemAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<SelectItemAdapter.ItemHolder> {
private List<String> itemsName, itemsQty, itemsPCode, itemPlant;
private OnItemClickListener onItemClickListener;
private LayoutInflater layoutInflater;
public SelectItemAdapter(Context context, String[] mDataset) {
layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
itemsName = new ArrayList<String>();
itemsQty = new ArrayList<String>();
itemsPCode = new ArrayList<String>();
itemPlant = new ArrayList<String>();
this.mDataset = mDataset;
public SelectItemAdapter.ItemHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
View itemView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_row_selected_item, parent, false);
return new ItemHolder(itemView, this);
public void onBindViewHolder(SelectItemAdapter.ItemHolder holder, final int position) {
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
return position;
public int getItemCount() {
return itemsName.size();
public Object getItemName(int position) {
return itemsName.get(position);
public Object getItemPCode(int position) {
return itemsPCode.get(position);
public Object getItemPlant(int position) {
return itemPlant.get(position);
public void setOnItemClickListener(OnItemClickListener listener) {
onItemClickListener = listener;
public OnItemClickListener getOnItemClickListener() {
return onItemClickListener;
public interface OnItemClickListener {
public void onItemClick(ItemHolder item, int position);
public void add(int location, String iName, String iQty, String iPCode, String iPlant) {
itemsName.add(location, iName);
itemsQty.add(location, iQty);
itemsPCode.add(location, iPCode);
itemPlant.add(location, iPlant);
public void remove(int location) {
if (location >= itemsName.size())
public static class ItemHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements View.OnClickListener {
private SelectItemAdapter parent;
TextView textItemName, txtPCode, txtAvailableQty, txtTempQty, txtPlant;
Button bRemove;
EditText numPicker;
public ItemHolder(View itemView, SelectItemAdapter parent) {
this.parent = parent;
textItemName = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.txtProductName);
txtAvailableQty = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.txtAvailbleQty);
txtPCode = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.txtPCode);
txtPlant = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.txtPlant);
bRemove = (Button) itemView.findViewById(R.id.bRemove);
numPicker = (EditText) itemView.findViewById(R.id.numberPicker);
public void setItemName(CharSequence name) {
public void setItemQty(CharSequence name) {
public void setItemPCode(CharSequence name) {
public void setItemPlant(CharSequence name) {
public String getQtyNumber() {
return numPicker.getText().toString();
public CharSequence getItemName() {
return textItemName.getText();
public CharSequence getItemPCode() {
return txtPCode.getText();
public void onClick(View v) {
final OnItemClickListener listener = parent.getOnItemClickListener();
if (listener != null) {
listener.onItemClick(this, getPosition());
This is how i tried to get values. But it is not working
private String getNumPicNumber(int i) {
if (myRecyclerView.findViewHolderForLayoutPosition(i) instanceof SelectItemAdapter.ItemHolder) {
SelectItemAdapter.ItemHolder childHolder = (SelectItemAdapter.ItemHolder) myRecyclerView.findViewHolderForLayoutPosition(i);
numberPickerNumber = childHolder.getQtyNumber();
return numberPickerNumber;
Add EditTextListener in RecyclerView Adapter and implement TextWatcher in EditTextListener.
Values will be saved in String Array (mDataset)
Happy Coding.
You don't need to use so many lists, just create a class that will contain all the data of single item, there is no need for buttons, use just text change listener instead.
sample code
To do this there are two ways:-
1) Add save Button in each row of RecyclerView on this Button click (onClick)
2) Add onTextChangedListener to EditText
Then in your MainActivity.java retrive data from sharedpreferences or database
I had a similar problem.My Recyclerview contained one Textview, two EditTexts and one remove Button to remove the item from the Recyclerview. I am getting the data from both the Edittexts, from a model class using a button from my activity. Everything works well I just want to know what all optimizations I can make. Please give your suggestions in a detailed manner.
My Model Class:
Above class holds the three Strings one is the titile and the two hold the edittext data.
My Adapter code:
In the adapter I am using two arraylists
to hold the position of the Edittext data in the model class.The above two functions return the positions of the Edittextdata
My Activity:
In my case both the position holding arrays are always equal in size.