declare @t table
id int,
SomeNumt int
insert into @t
select 1,10
select 2,12
select 3,3
select 4,15
select 5,23
select * from @t
the above select returns me the following.
id SomeNumt
1 10
2 12
3 3
4 15
5 23
How do i get the following
id srome CumSrome
1 10 10
2 12 22
3 3 25
4 15 40
5 23 63
The latest version of SQL Server (2012) permits the following.
This is even faster. Partitioned version completes in 34 seconds over 5 million rows for me.
Thanks to Peso, who commented on the SQL Team thread referred to in another answer.
Lets first create a table with dummy data -->
here i am joining same table (SELF Joining)
here we go now just sum the Somevalue of t2 and we`ll get the ans
Desired Result
Clear the dummytable
There is a much faster CTE implementation available in this excellent post:
The problem in this thread can be expressed like this:
The SQL solution wich combines "ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW" and "SUM" did exactly what i wanted to achieve. Thank you so much!
If it can help anyone, here was my case. I wanted to cumulate +1 in a column whenever a maker is found as "Some Maker" (example). If not, no increment but show previous increment result.
So this piece of SQL:
Allowed me to get something like this:
Explanation of above: It starts the count of "some maker" with 0, Some Maker is found and we do +1. For User 1, MakerC is found so we dont do +1 but instead vertical count of Some Maker is stuck to 2 until next row. Partitioning is by User so when we change user, cumulative count is back to zero.
I am at work, I dont want any merit on this answer, just say thank you and show my example in case someone is in the same situation. I was trying to combine SUM and PARTITION but the amazing syntax "ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW" completed the task.
Thanks! Groaker
SQL Fiddle example
Edit: this is a generalized solution that will work across most db platforms. When there is a better solution available for your specific platform (e.g., gareth's), use it!
Try this: